Friday, August 6, 2010

ducati motorcycles - Bezzi Oberdan design

ducati motorcycles Bezzi Oberdan designducati motorcycles Bezzi Oberdan design
Bezzi Oberdan trademark sketch for ducati motorcycles, this motor concept is very interesting and realistic as a motor with better specifications than the previous model. but the concept Desmocross Italian designers to show how good their bikes to be seen if they ever decided to leave the field of mud as trail motorbike.
Ducati motocrosser was completed by high-performance single-cylinder engine displacing 450cc. Assuming Obiboi machine with big power as a SuperMoto that can boast the ducati motorcycles.
In terms of design this motor design is very much different look than the previous design, we can see some differences from the Aprilia RXV eg from different angles and things are very different fields, but in the end the motorcrosser can have the motor to be brought into their garage.

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